Neighborhood Family Rosaries Program
Leaders: Bill and Donna Bradt
About Us:
A Response to the Call of Our Lady of Fatima!
Our Lady of Fatima Revealed God’s Plan for Peace and the Salvation of Souls:
1. Daily Rosary
2. Prayer and Sacrifice
3. Consecration to the Immaculate Heart of Mary
4. First Saturday Devotion
Neighborhood Family Rosaries answers Mary’s call simply and powerfully!
1. Host a statue of Our Lady in your home
2. Pray the Rosary and make sacrifices
3. Invite others to join you
EVERY Parishioner can participate!
EVERY Neighborhood has a Volunteer Guardian and a Statue!
Together we can:
Console the Hearts of Jesus and Mary
Build Catholic Community
Evangelize our neighborhoods
To host Our Lady's statue and to learn more, go to our website by clicking the following link:​
Contact Bill and Donna Bradt using the email address below:
Bill and Donna Bradt