Lay Dominicans
Contacts: Dr. Thomas Carr, O.P. and Mrs. Ina Carr, O.P.
About Us
Lay Dominicans are committed Catholics seeking to live a richer spiritual life in the world through formation in the charisms of St. Dominic and the 800-year-old order he founded. St. Dominic’s life was marked by two driving passions: the salvation of souls trapped in sin, and the proclamation of Truth to those trapped by falsehood. If you share these passions, then perhaps you have a vocation to the lay Dominican life!
Any practicing Catholic of good standing, 18 years or older, who wishes to progress in the Christian life, is welcome to join. Becoming a lay Dominican is a five-year process of formation in the four pillars of Dominican spirituality: liturgical and contemplative prayer, study of our faith (including the writings of St. Thomas Aquinas), community, and apostolate. Meetings are held monthly, during which you will learn how to deepen your prayer life, how to explain and defend your faith, and how to bring your faith into the world around you. All this is done in community with brothers and sisters in Christ who share a love for souls, for the Truth, and for growing in faith and virtue.
Meetings are held in Donahue Academy every second Saturday of the month from 10am - 1:45pm.
Please watch our video “What are the Lay Dominicans?”
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Here are some additional resources about Lay Dominicans:
Why the Dominican Spirit Now?
The Lay Dominican Call
The Uniqueness of the Dominican Order of Preachers.
Benefits and Obligations as Lay Dominican