Ave Maria Parish has installed a two-part "Hearing Assistance System." The first part is a T-Coil Induction Loop system that is compatible with almost all hearing aids and loop receivers (an around-the-neck hearing device). This part requires no user setup. However, your hearing aid must be set to the telephone settings. It will work when you are seated in Church. If you would like to try a loop receiver, please contact the parish office to arrange to borrow one. There are also a limited number available for purchase.
The second part is a wireless system that will work with most mobile devices and their paired earbuds or with blue tooth-enabled hearing aids. Prior to coming to Church, the user will need to download the “AudioFetch” app from the Android or Apple app stores. Once in Church, you will need to use your mobile device to connect to the Church Wi-Fi signal. It will appear as “Ave Maria Parish AudioFetch” in the list of available wireless networks. There is NO PASSWORD for this network. When the app launches, simply choose: “without internet access” or answer “yes” if posed as a question. You will then be connected to AudioFetch. Users should use both earbuds to prevent hearing an echo due to the slight signal delay between the Church speaker system and the wireless audio system. Once you are in the application select channel "LIVE" for the Live language English for the English Masses and Spanish for the Spanish Masses or "TRAN" for Translation to Spanish, only when simultaneous translation is available.
La segunda parte es un sistema inalámbrico que funcionará con la mayoría de los dispositivos móviles y sus auriculares emparejados o con audífonos habilitados con Bluetooth. Antes de venir a la Iglesia, el usuario deberá descargar la aplicación "AudioFetch" de las tiendas de aplicaciones de Android o Apple. Una vez en la Iglesia, deberá usar su dispositivo móvil para conectarse a la señal Wi-Fi de la Iglesia. Aparecerá como "Ave Maria Parish AudioFetch" en la lista de redes inalámbricas disponibles. NO HAY CONTRASEÑA para esta red. Cuando se inicie la aplicación, simplemente elija: "sin acceso a Internet" (“without internet access”) o responda "sí" ("yes") si se le plantea una pregunta. A continuación, se conectará a AudioFetch. Los usuarios deben usar ambos auriculares para evitar escuchar un eco debido al leve retraso de la señal entre el sistema de altavoces de la Iglesia y el sistema de audio inalámbrico. Una vez que esté en la aplicación, seleccione el canal "LIVE" para el idioma en vivo (Live) inglés para las misas en inglés y español para las misas en español o "TRAN" para la Traducción (Translation) al español, solo cuando la traducción simultánea está disponible.