Some services have volunteer opportunities. Please see the contact information below.
If you or someone you know needs food or financial assistance, please see the following contacts:
Collier County: 239-793-0059, Monday through Friday, 9am-5pm
Sarasota/Manatee/DeSoto/Hardee/Highlands Counties: 941-355-4680
Charlotte/Lee/Hendry/Glades Counties: 239-390-2928
Catholic Charities, Diocese of Venice, Inc. is offering Tele-Mental Health Counseling for adults and children provided by licensed mental health therapists. If you or someone you know is feeling stressed, anxious, overwhelmed, depressed, or helpless and would like to speak with a counselor, Catholic Charities Tele-Mental Health Counseling Services may be able to help.
For more information call: 239-455-2655. There is no charge for this service.
Lord, make me an instrument of Your peace: where there is hatred, let me sow love; where there is injury, pardon; where there is doubt, faith; where there is despair, hope; where there is darkness, light; where there is sadness, joy.
Saint Francis of Assisi