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Baby Baptism Ceremony

"Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations,
baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit." Matthew 28:19

Baptism is the foundation of the Christian life. In Baptism we are freed from original sin, become heirs to the Kingdom of God, and receive the indwelling of the Holy Trinity. 



Baptism marks the beginning of the life of faith and incorporates a person into the Body of Christ. Parents of the child to be baptized should be registered and active members of Ave Maria Parish for at least one month prior to requesting the Sacrament of Baptism for your child. We recommend that you contact us prior to the birth of your child so that you have time to properly prepare for this very important and special event.


Please contact the parish office at 239-261-5555 and speak with Elda Arellano, Administrative Assistant, for more information on scheduling your child's Baptism and the required Baptism classes for parents and godparents. Parents, please fill out the "Baptism Registration Form" below. Each godparent, please fill out the "Godparent Eligibility Form" below. The forms can be accessed by clicking the links:


"Baptism Registration Form" link


"Godparent Eligibility Form" link



Learn more about how to join the Catholic Church through R.C.I.A. (the Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults) by clicking: Right of Christian Initiation (R.C.I.A.)

Sophia Institute presents: "Baptism Explained: The Rite of Baptism"

At Baptism, I received grace - that quality that makes me share in the very nature of God.

Mother Angelica

Ave Maria Catholic Church © 2025

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